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At 科罗拉多斯普林斯CTU, we provide the opportunity for returning college students to transfer credits 对我们的 university. Maybe you started a degree program years ago, 和 now you would like to pick up where you left off. 不管你的故事是什么, we’re looking forward to helping you determine how we can help you apply your previous academic credits toward your current degree requirements**.


Applying credits you have already earned to your degree program at 科罗拉多斯普林斯CTU can prevent you from having to repeat coursework, 这在财务上也很有意义. At CTU, you can transfer-in up to 75% of your course credit hour requirements. 学生 are encouraged to consult with a Registrar Evaluation Services Specialist early on to identify transfer credit opportunities 和 ensure appropriate selection of courses.

开始吧, the first thing you should do is request your official transcript from any prior colleges or universities you’ve attended. 这份成绩单可以告诉我们到目前为止你已经学了多少学分, 和 help us better underst和 how your past academic achievements line up with your current degree requirements.

一旦我们拿到你的成绩单, a PLA Advisor can guide you through the transfer credit evaluation process. 大学学分, 如果适用的话, 会否按课程发放, 和 criteria for evaluation include how well the course aligns with your current degree requirements 和 the grade you earned in the class. Only college level 和 post-secondary degree applicable courses will be eligible for transfer credit.


在某些情况下, you may receive course credit for experiential learning gained through employment or other appropriate experiences. 为了获得这个学分, you will need to show a direct alignment between your employment 和 the courses in your academic program, 你必须能够提供你的技能的文件. The maximum amount of life experience credit accepted toward graduation is 16 quarter credit hours for an associate degree, 学士学位需要32个学分, 硕士学位需要8个学分.


另一种获得学位学分的方法是CTU快速通道™. 快速通道, you can accelerate the pace of your degree by receiving credit for the information you already know. You can take a series of exams designed to test your knowledge of key course objectives in your specific degree program. If you pass, you can earn college credit for your knowledge 和 complete your degree program quicker. 通过CTU快速通道 考试,你可以节省高达30%*的时间和金钱. As an added bonus, Fast Track exams are available at no extra cost to all CTU students.


You may have earned formal training from a non-accredited institution or company that offers professional training. 通常, this is in the form of certifications or Continuing Education Units (CEUs), 但其他有记录的工作时间可能符合条件. Your PLA Advisor can review these to determine whether they qualify for credit at CTU. 这取决于您获得的认证类型或CEU, you may be required to submit a learning narrative as part of the evaluation process.


科罗拉多斯普林斯CTU, 我们欢迎现役军人和退伍军人学生, 和 we help these students convert their military experience into academic credit. 科罗拉多斯普林斯CTU uses the American Council on Education (ACE) Guide to the Evaluation of Educational Experiences in the Armed Services as the basis for evaluating military training 和 experience.

首先,美国的成员国.S. 军队, 海军, Coast Guard 和 Marine Corps can order a Joint Service Transcript (JST), 和 the Air Force issues its own transcript through the Community College of the Air Force (CCAF). 我们还协助陆军预备役和国民警卫队的成员. A PLA Advisor can review your military training 和 determine if transfer credits can be applied toward your degree requirements.

我们还向军人提供CTU MOS承诺. This initiative provides a personal 和 comprehensive evaluation of all MOS codes held which may translate into academic credit.


浏览我们的巴黎人澳门赌场在哪 和 learn more about how you can take the next step toward earning your degree at 科罗拉多斯普林斯CTU. 这取决于你的学历和专业经验, you may discover you’re already well on your way to pursuing your educational goals.

*The ability to reduce time in school 和/or reduce tuition towards the full cost of a degree program depends on the number of CTU Fast Track 顺利通过考试. 快速通道课程学分不可转让. Not all programs are eligible for possible 30% reduction in time 和 money. 符合条件的课程可能会有所变化. 学生 should not rely on potential Fast Track savings or eligibility when making an enrollment decision.

**转学学分以个人为基础进行评估. 并非所有学分都可以转换. 查看大学目录,了解CTU的转学分政策.